Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Winter Camp

Winter Camp, a set on Flickr.
I had such an amazing time and now have so many awesome memories that I will never forget. To make the quincies we had to shovel snow into a huge pile as tall and as long as us. It was probably the hardest part of making them, but I still had a lot of fun digging and wearing a tshirt in -10 degree temperatures not even breaking a sweat. We had to leave them for 4 hours to let them compact and be safe for sleeping in so we went cross country skiing. To me cross country skiing is just like scuffing my feet/ running on my tippy toes I have no coordination so I have no idea if I was even doing it right, but by the end I was getting pretty good at it. Its pretty hard work and I got hot very quick. After we went skiing we came back and dug out our quincies. Selina the girl who was my partner and I had to lay on our stomachs and dig out the snow. It was fun although very wet. Eventually after about 2 hours of digging we managed to have a hole big enough to sit up in. We layered out a tarp so we didn't get wet whilst sleeping and put a sleeping bag inside another so we would be warm enough sleep literally in snow! Surprisingly I was very cosy and comfortable and had a great sleep. The next day we got up and went dog sledding, the dogs were so fun to play with and all very happy to see us. I think there were in total 35 dogs. We had to harness a select a few for the sleds then got prepared for going sledding. We were told that if we fell of we were one of the breaks for the dogs, this was a little worrying but I was still ready ad excited to do it. The track I went on was extremely bumpy and I was following the lead sled, I surprised myself by actually being able to control the dogs and the sled as it jolted around trying to throw me off. I also went snow shoeing which was a cool experience which not many people get to do and Selina and I made a my first snowman together.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Goodbye Afternoon Sleeps

Leo has decided that he no longer needs afternoon sleeps! Well as you can see he doesn’t always make it! So cute, it’s a big day for a little guy playing in a snow suit and boots.

More Snow :+)


Snow, a set on Flickr.
During the school holidays we had a spell of warmer weather, however the snows back! We had a couple of days snow enough for some sledding, then another warmer patch. Last weekend we had about 25cm on Saturday and another 25cm Sunday, so we got out and did some more sledding, made a snowman, had a snow fight and buried Allan. We also had our neighbour Ania staying with us as her mum had to urgently fly back to America and her dad was away on a Youth United Nations Summit in Austria with school. We have not done much sight seeing over the last couple of weekends due to the colder weather and snow, but still having fun. We are looking forward to spring ... the forecast for next week is between 8 - 12 degrees, looking forward to some sunshine:+)

American Embassy

Corban had her party at the American Embassy! She was happy to be wearing a new princess dress and purple sparkling shoes (we learnt from the last party that a denim skirt and sneakers doesn't cut it here). Unfortunately there are no photos as I had my camera and phone taken off me when we went in :+( It was kind of like going through an airport to get in, had our bag x-rayed and had to go through a metal detector. The embassy wasn’t as flash as I had anticipated. The front, areas where the Ambassador goes and court yard are fancy but anywhere else is pretty ordinary, almost run down looking. The party was in a dungeon basement thing with a pool table area, bar and dance floor which were all decorated with princess attire (very fitting!). I have never seen so many gifts for one child, Corban hasn’t received that many gifts in her whole life! Unfortunately Taylor missed out on meeting the military pilots, ex SAS and marines. Lucky for her they have invited her out to fly model aircrafts with them when the weather gets better!! Some of the people I met at the party have very interesting careers and lifestyles.