Saturday, September 15, 2012

Riverside School Picnic

Today the school had it's 'Welcome' picnic. It was a shared lunch, everybody brought a dish from their home country. As you can imagine there was a huge range of food, it was fantastic! Allan made a pavlova to take, which was popular with the Australian's. Some teachers played music even though their lead singer left for Dubai this year. Corban enjoyed this, she played and danced her afternoon away. Taylor played football and rugby out on the field with some other Senior High students, while Leo ran wild on the field, played in the sandpit and park. Corban has struck up a friendship with a little girl from my school who lives in the apartment upstairs, so when we got home they collected their toy animals and went and played in the shared garden (which is more like the enchanted forrest :-) All in all, a lovely day.

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