Monday, July 21, 2014

Five More Days Of Our Swedish Holiday

It has been a mixed week of sight seeing and relaxing.  We have taken a walk through a large reserve at the back of the house we are staying in and found a local swimming spot. 

We took a drive to Sigtuna, which is the oldest city in Sweden founded in 980.  Now it is a picturesque little medieval town with cute shops, small cathedral, some ruins and a small harbour area. 

From here we drove about another 20 minutes to the Skokloster Palace.  This palace was privately built, the church was donated lots of land in the area and became very wealthy, more so than the King.  No problem the King just took the land from the church, I guess back then a King could do what he liked!

Another day sightseeing in Stockholm took us to the Fjallgatan Street lookout and then a ferry ride across to Djurgarden Island where we went to the Vasa Museum.  This museum is home to the most amazing warship.  The Vasa sank in the Stockholm harbour in 1628 and was not salvaged until 333 years later in 1961.  The ship is 98% original and looks like it is something from a movie set.  The museum was built around the ship and is 6 levels high.

Allan loves IKEA and since Sweden is creator and home to the largest IKEA in the world he couldn’t keep himself away.  Corban volunteered to go with him and gladly enjoyed an icecream after the visit.  Other than this we have found more swimming spot and are enjoying the sun and water.    

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