Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Day In St Petersburg

Arriving into St Petersburg in the morning was very industrial.  Allan loved all of the cranes and size of the port, it was gigantic.  Going through customs was a bit of a let down, we had heard all of the horror stories and how difficult it could be.  No one even blinked at us, all of our documentation that we had paid for and had ready wasn’t even looked at.

Our bus tour was also pretty sad, as part of the 72 hour visa free period you are supposed to be booked on a tour which we did through the shipping company.  The bus dropped us off at a not very interesting location and we didn’t even bother getting back on, instead we found our own way and checked out some sights on the other side of the river before heading to our hostel. 

The first stop was at St Peter and Pauls Fortress.  The fort was constructed by St Peter the great between 1706 – 1740.  The only people to ever come close to the fort were the Finnish people, who immediately turned around and didn’t bother fighting because they were frightened.  After this the fort was used as a prison.   The cathedral in the middle of the fort has a big spire covered in real gold. 

From here we walked through an old town type area, back across the river and headed towards the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (candy cathedral).  We took a few snaps of the outside and decided to drop off our bags at the hostel before going in as it was really hot and we all had sore backs.

Once back at the cathedral we explored the inside.  The whole inside was made from marble and mosaic tiles.  The photos don’t do the massive mosaics any justice; they were huge and really detailed.  The front of the cathedral was where the Russian Tsar was crowned and at the back was a shrine where Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded.

After having subway for dinner (not very exciting, but close to our hostel), we put the little kids to bed and went for an evening stroll through the Hermitage, across some bridges and down to St Isaacs Cathedral before collapsing in bed after a hot and exhausting day in St Petersburg.    

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